Sunday, November 22, 2009

Should Hunting be held accountable for human injuries and death from DVA?

Human Fatality in DVA is Murder One


"Over 1.5 million deer/vehicle crashes occur per year in the U.S., causing over $1.1 billion in vehicle damage, more than 29,000 human injuries and 150 deaths." (See red below)

Statistics may be boring, but they are consistent. It dictates that given 30 million deer roaming across the land, and given 3-trillion vehicle-miles per year on American highways, and, not least of all, given a hunting reason entertaining 1.5 million hunters in Pennsylvania alone, and 15 million across the land, which causes deer to blindly dash out of forests into the path of speeding vehicles in evasion of the lethal human intruders the hunters, there WILL be about 1.5 million deer-vehicle collisions (DVCs) or deer-vehicle accidents (DVAs), which WILL cost about 1.5 million deer lives and about 150 human lives, plus about 30,000 human injuries.

According to hunting sources, there were originally about 30 million white-tailed deer in America. History went through a period of unregulated "market hunting", which decimated the deer population to some 300,000 nation-wide, and zero in certain states including Indiana. Since then, the deer population had rebounded back to its original number of about 30 million, but in a much reduced area, due to human occupation of their previous range, including vast tracks of farm land that used to the deer habitat. This creates an over-....population density situation, which causes ecological damage as well as human deaths.

This begs the question as to how this could be possible and how it could have happened. The answer is that the deer population is being inadvertantly as well as intentionally cultivated to overpopulation densities by human manipulation of the environment. Inadvertantly, due to clearcut logging, which opens up broad expanses of sunlit pastures rich in deer food, and intentionally, due to the deliberate super-feeding of deer by means of food plots, basically clearcut areas deliberately seeded with deer food crops.

And this begs the question as to why. The answer is this: There are 300 million Americans, of which only about 6% hunt, which, though a small minority, still amount to 15 million hunters, most of whom hunt deer, each targeting at least one, requiring 15 million deer to give them the baseline satisfaction. The departments of Natural Resources and of Wildlife in some states also impose the rule that to get a buck, a hunter must first kill one or more does. Plus the temptation that the more licenses and permits the state sells, the greater the revenue. All in all, Pennsylvania alone requires some1.5 million deer per year to satisfy its 1.5 million hunters, and America requires 10-....million-plus deer to satisfy the 10-....million-plus deer hunters. Thus, the food plots across the American semi-wild landscape.

And thus the high deer-vehicle collision rates, and deer deaths, and human deaths.

I repeat. Statistics dictates that given the deer overpopulation,.... and the vehicle-mile volume, and the deer hunting season, there WILL be so many human deaths.

And I repeat - human deaths.

The policy makers should understand this, or they are incompetent. If they are not incompetent, the only logical conclusion is that the accidents and collisions are deliberately caused, collateral damage, as it were. It follows that the human casualties and fatalities are themselves deliberately caused. This is legal in war, but not in peace. Is Pennsylvania at war? If not, then a serious crime has been commited. It is called premeditated murder, Murder One.

Maybe even a crime of terrorism, because we never know when and where a DVA will occur, only that it will happen, and innocent people will be hurt or killed. And they have been hit, and killed.

I suggest getting all the families of the accident victims together and launching a class lawsuit for wrongful death.

I hope that my logic has held up. As to doing it. Well, will the pro bono lawyers line up please?

by Anthony Marr


Deer Vehicle Accidents has more then DOUBLED in many heavily hunted states.

It's easy to see how bowshot deer can cause deer vehicle accidents.

Please read
6 Reasons why hunting causes high Deer Vehicle Accidents year after year after year

Why is it that Ohio deer herd is rising and DVA's is as well if hunting is about "reduction"?
"Ohio's deer herd in 2008 was estimated at 700,000, up from the 675,000 in 2006."
click here

The Erie Insurane Group, PA's second largest auto insurer, studied the effect that hunting has on car/deer collisions. They discovered that not only did accidents increase during hunting season but they increased by five times on the opening day of doe and buck season.

State Farm Press Release

Deer-Vehicle Collision Frequency Jumps 18 Percent In Five Yearsclick here


Deer Birth Control Works so why are the DNR, DEC, DOC and all the wildlife serial killing industry rejects it??

Perhaps because of this..

"The number of new deer added to the pre-hunt population is a function of the number of fawns born and their survival until until the fall. The number of fawns born is primarily determined by the number of does, but the survival of fawns, however, is mostly dependent upon the physical condition of does, although predation is certainly a factor is some situations. A large number of does that are nutritionally stressed will not raise as many fawns to be added to the fall population as a lesser number of healthy does." Deer Hunting and Management TX

"Thus, late fall up to early winter is very important for deer herd managers to impact and influence fawn production, so make sure the plant communities on your property is properly managed deer habitat. " Deer Hunting and Management TX

"Some people disagree with shooting antlerless deer; they reason that protecting them -- thus maintaining a maximum breeding base -- will assure large numbers of antlered bucks because terrific numbers of deer will be born each year and button bucks wouldn't be harvested. "PA. Game Commission

"Historically in all states, including West Virginia, hunting regulation have been restrictive during the period of deer restoration with mainly short buck-only season to protect does and encourage deer population growth." Fundamentals of Deer Management W. VA.

" Fawn crop is often density dependent. Generally, as doe numbers increase, fawn production per doe decreases. Fewer does can and often do raise more fawns to weaning age than more abundant does." QDM

"Managing for proper nutrition in white-tailed deer is important for good body condition, good fawn production and recruitment, and maximum antler growth. Good nutrition can be accomplished by doing three things that involve proper habitat management, supplemental feeding, and the planting of food plots." Deer Managemetn TX

What is the definition of "recruit"?

1. to raise or strengthen (an army, navy, deer herd) by enlisting personnel (in this case, fawns)

3. to enlist (new members), as for a party or organization (or deer to kill for sports)

2. to increase or maintain by supplying anew; replenish (which of course is deer, preferably bucks)


more statements about "adding" deer.

P.129 "With supplemental feeding, it becomes very easy to maitain artificialy high deer densities and still obtain adequate results in terms of antler and body growth." Producing Quality Whitetails Revised Edition
Al Brothers and Murphy E. Ray, Jr. Edited by Charly McTee

" Thus, does are healthier, reproductive
success is higher and more does are able to carry two fawns. Ironically, this can result in a greater deer harvest each year." Quality Deer Management

"With high quality habitat and increased nutrition, the percentage of doe fawns that breed their first fall increases (sometimes up to 25 percent).. Also, a higher percentage of yearling does produce two fawns instead of one." Quality Deer Management

Immunocontraception works. "60% reduction in deer herd from deer birth control" - its a fact yet hunters still rejects it!

Jay Kirkpatrick says Deer Birth Control WORK - IT WORKS WELL!

***DEC in Suffolk County NY said tree stand 50 yard from road is "safe"**

"I suggest getting all the families of the accident victims together and launching a class lawsuit for wrongful death."

Do it!!

They IC bison, don't they? Why not deer ?

Look what they’re doing with bison:


Catalina bison going on birth control

“The Catalina Island Conservancy, a nonprofit organization that owns 88% of the island and is charged with preserving its wild state, believes the program will be a cost-effective, socially acceptable and humane method of controlling the herd. In Defense of Animals, an advocacy group, agrees and has donated a quarter of the cost of the $200,000, five-year program.”

PZP has proven to be equally as effective with deer.

Obviously the reason the hunting organization reject deer birth control is that they are too busy ensuring there be an abundance of deer year after year to satisfy the recreational killers. click here

Whitetails are the biggest blood money maker for the killing industry and they need a need the continuous deer production.

Saturday, November 14, 2009

Did Jesus really allowed hunting?

Ever since I was in High School I knew when I saw a photo of Jesus he was about kindness, compassion love and mercy. It was not till later on that I heard in the bible Jesus allows bowhunting and I said to myself the bible is a sham and its rewritten by man to suit their greedy desire to eat meat and live a gluttony life style.

We have to also remember that Genocide, rape, slavery, sadistic animal sacrifice and even human sacrifice was all "condoned" by "God" in the bible. Those who follow the sadistic writing of killing with bows and arrows and animal sacrifice are those who is with hardened heart for they are not following the word of Jesus but the word of man with evil and selfishness in his mind.

First watch this video

Hunting was not the only evil in the bible either.

Read what I have written and think really hard how can a God that is supposed to be of mercy, kindness, compassion and love "condones" such barbarism to innocent sentient creatures. There are alsio 101 contradiction in the bible.

Now just read the rest and watch the videos..thank you.

Are the writing about killing deer with arrow in the bible the true words of God or is that a word of man who wanted to live a ungodly selfish and gluttony lifestyle?

The discovery of Christ's original teachings

In 1870, an Aramaic manuscript entitled "The Gospel of the Nazirenes" was discovered, translated and published. This ancient scripture, hidden away for centuries in a Tibetan monastery, seems in virtually every respect identical to the work by the same title, that was known and widely quoted from in the first century by the church. Many of the most revered early church fathers, as well as a surprising number of scholars today, have boldly declared that the legendary Gospel of the Nazirenes, later to be known as "The Gospel of the Holy Twelve," is nothing less than the long-lost original Gospel which, legend holds, was collectively written by the actual 12 apostles in the period immediately following Christ's death, and upon which all of the Biblical synoptic Gospels are based.


Falsifying Gods words

"What these correctores did was to cut out of the Gospels, with minute care, certain teachings of our Lord which they did not propose to follow - namely, those against the eating of flesh and the taking of strong drink."

Rev. Gideon Jasper Richard Ousley

"A Meat Eating Interpretation of the bible became the official creed of the Roman Empire, and vegetarian Christians had to practice in secret or risk being put to death for heresy. It is said Constantine used to pour molten lead down their throats if vegetarian Christians were captured."

Archdeacon Wilderforce

(The Roman Catholic church also sought to suppress translations of the Dead Sea Scrolls which showed aspects of the Essene teachings at Qumran, many of which Jesus taught, that the church didn't want published, because it contradicted official church teachings.
The Essene Gospel of Peace, also called the Gospel of Peace of Jesus Christ, was written earlier than any book in the New Testament.)

Fruits / Grains / Grasses / Milk / Honey

"So eat always from the table of God: the fruits of the trees, the grains and grasses of the field, the milk of the beasts, and the honey of the bees. For everything beyond these is of Satan."


Gen. 1:20: "And God said, Let the waters bring forth abundantly the moving creature that hath life" (The word here is nephesh--soul).

Next verse: "And God created great whales, and every living creature (nephesh--soul) that moveth, which the water brought forth abundantly."

Verse 24: "The living creature (nephesh) after his kind, cattle and creeping things."

Verse 30: "Every beast every foul everything that creepeth, wherein there is life (nephesh.)"

Did "Christian" hunters forget the Beatitude part of the bible? of course they did because it does not fit into their disgusting animal killing lifestyle.


Blessed are the gentle, for they shall inherit the earth.
Blessed are the merciful, for they shall receive mercy.
Blessed are the peacemakers, for they shall be called sons of God.

Lection 33

By The Shedding Of Blood Of Others Is No Remission Of Sins.

6. And what doth the Eternal command you but to do justice, love mercy and walk humbly with your God? Is it not written that in the beginning God ordained the fruits of the trees and the seeds and the herbs to be food for all flesh?
8. But I say unto you: Shed no innocent blood nor eat ye flesh. Walk uprightly, love mercy, and do justly, and your days shall be long in the land.

“Blessed are the merciful, for they will receive mercy” (Mat. 5:7). Christians “above all should hear the call to mercy. They above all should have some kindness to spare. They above all should be mindful of the little things, seeing, in the suffering of these creatures,” a life that is God’s, and that is worthy of Christian care (Scully 325). For those of faith, “sensitivity to suffering is a sign of grace and also a litmus test of our fidelity to the passionate Creator God” (Linzey, After 132). “Kindness to animals is a small yet necessary part of a decent and holy life, essential if only as a check against human arrogance and our tendency to worship ourselves, our own works and appetites and desires instead of our Creator and His works” (Scully 99).

While kindness may not always be profitable, “[t]here are truths greater than our own wishes” (Scully 310). In the Christian tradition there is “a higher law regarding [animal] care and we must answer to it—not just when it suits us, not just when we feel the spirit upon us, and not just when it’s cost-efficient, but always” (Scully 308). The New Testament commands: “Be merciful just as your Father is merciful” (Lk. 6:36). Jesus was concern for the weak and vulnerable, those exploited and overlooked. For Christians, the “more deeply someone can be damaged by our cruelty, the greater is our obligation to show mercy. And our cruelty damages no one more deeply than the defenseless animals on whom we turn our terrible power” (Phelps, Dominion 152). Christian mercy extends “to all the living souls who find themselves in our dominion” (Phelps, Dominion 154). Mercy is at the heart of our relationship with God, and at the heart of our relationship with animals. As we require mercy, so do they. “Why just say grace when you can show it?” (Scully 45). “Any theology which desensitizes us to suffering” cannot be Christian theology, for Christianity is “centered on the divine vindication of innocent suffering” (Linzey, After 132).


Few more things to add

If God wanted man to kill and eat meat why are our anatomy designed for plants?

Our body is a temple and we should put into the body what our body was designed for and its definitely not DEATH.

3. What "Christian" hunters ignore is that there are slavery "condoned" by God even to the point of beating hard with a rod so long they do not die.

Overall "Christian" hunters uses the man corrupted bible and follow the writing of selfish humans and not of God to kill animals for recreational purpose. Look at the pathetic "christian bowhunters of America" with the trophy head on the wall

click here. That is not about God, that is about Satan.

That is of God???!!

Thursday, October 22, 2009

Hunters of America love their food plots for deer which means more and more deer


Is it any wonder why the most heavily hunted state has the most deer and continue to have high DVA and in some places getting worse?. Google "food plots and hunting" and see what you find..Every sportsman wants to get more deer in their land, they want to plant protein rich food and food that deer loves to eat this way the rack of the deer will grow bigger so that small men with small brain and no heart can destroy innocent sentient life. Plus food for the does means more fawn birth (which is what they want)


"But, if you manage for deer, you supply an abundant amount of high-quality nutritious food all year that grows more, bigger and healthier deer and helps the bucks to reach their maximum body weights and antler potential."

"Don't skimp on the food plot"

Here are some of the MANY food plot website, information, products and videos.
Food plot with "bedded Jealousy"

Food plots where to buy

Take Compensatory Rebound Effect

Q: What is the compensatory rebound effect?

A: The compensatory rebound effect is the reproductive response of a species by which a sudden increase in food resources, due to a sudden decrease in the population, induces a high reproductive rate. When applied to deer, it means that when large populations are killed, the remaining deer benefit from enhanced food supply and begin to produce more deer (twins) and begin to reproduce at a younger age (as early as 1 yr. old). click here for more

Then have the hunting industry manipulate deer habitat with protein rich food plots sometime for the extra boost uses
supplement feeding.. Some states has banned supplement feeding not because they did not want to continue but because CWD is spreading and they do not want to jeapordize their billion dollar business.

Why do we always have "too many deer"? click here

Equals why the states that has the most hunters have the most deer thus high deer vehicle accidents and complaints of too many deer Doesn't anyone see this as strange that every year there is deer "problems" even though they continue to kill kill kill innocent sentient life?

They also rejects deer birth control not because it does not work because they know damn well it does, but because they want and need the doe to give birth especially to twins and triplets. Hunting is business they need the deer to support the billion dollar killing industry and 70% of that is from the whitetail deer. What do you suppose they do if they implement the IC deer birth control? There be less deer and no more need for hunting and no more deer for hunters to kill for fun.

Michigan top hunting state yet look at this..

"Since 1970, the deer population in Michigan has quadrupled to 1.8 million, but southeastern Michigan's deer population has increased by 10 times. (southeastern Michigan is heavily hunted)

New Jersey and Nebraska have posted the largest increases, 54 percent. Kansas is next at 41 percent. Deer-vehicle collisions have jumped by 38 percent in Florida, Mississippi and Arkansas. Then come Oklahoma (34 percent) and West Virginia, North Carolina and Texas (33 percent)."

"Spearheading a national CWD research effort to better understand the impact of CWD on wild deer herds and the future of hunting. The impact of this disease on the U.S. hunting economy could be catastrophic given that 70 percent of the $67 billion hunting industry is generated from white-tailed deer. " source


For the third year in a row, West Virginia tops the list of those states where a collision with a deer is most likely (for any one vehicle). Using its claims data in conjunction with state motor vehicle registration counts from the Federal Highway Administration, State Farm calculates the chances of a West Virginia vehicle striking a deer over the next 12 months at 1 in 39. Such an encounter is even more likely in West Virginia than it was a year ago.

Michigan remains second on that list. The likelihood of a specific vehicle striking a deer there is 1 in 78. Pennsylvania (1 in 94) and Iowa (1 in 104) remain third and fourth respectively. Montana (1 in 104) moved up three places to fifth.

Arkansas and South Dakota each dropped a spot to sixth and seventh. Wisconsin remains eighth. North Dakota and Virginia round out the top 10.

(All those state are heavily hunted)

According to the Insurance Institute for Highway Safety, deer-vehicle collisions in the U.S. cause more than 150 fatalities each year. (source)

Now read

6 Reasons why hunting causes high Deer Vehicle Accidents year after year after year. click here

Is it beginning to sink into the non-killing public ?

Overall seems to me that in the heavily hunted state so long as the hunting industry is making billions of dollars from whitetails deer innocent humans lost from DVA's must be sacrificed. That means the death of your loved ones was the purpose of disgusting humans enjoyment of killing animals for sports and trophy. We believe that DVA should be Murder 1 to the hunting industry

Saturday, September 12, 2009

Enough is enough with using animal sadism to "manage" deer!!

Is this how we are going to continue to "manage" deer population that the hunting organization created to begin with?

Plus a whole lot more animals sadism as a means for "wildlife management here

Will mankind choose to live at peace with Deer? What you can do to appose hunting

Frequently Asked Questions on IMMUNOCONTRACEP....TION

Deer Option Enterprise

Human OptionsFences, repellent, deer resistant tree/plants etc

More Humane options here

Does deer birth control works? YES

Danger to the innocent Humans


College student shot when mistaken for a deer

MI--Mother, Child (and horse) SHOT In deer hunting accident

Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Are hunting industry deliberately producing deer for recreational hunting? plus what is "Compensatory Rebound Effect"??


If hunting is about "reduction" why then in "deer management" websites so much emphasis is put on food plots and PRODUCTION of fawns preferably the males? Here are some example of what I mean and please read carefully.

"The number of new deer added to the pre-hunt population is a function of the number of fawns born and their survival until until the fall. The number of fawns born is primarily determined by the number of does, but the survival of fawns, however, is mostly dependent upon the physical condition of does, although predation is certainly a factor is some situations. A large number of does that are nutritionally stressed will not raise as many fawns to be added to the fall population as a lesser number of healthy does." Deer Hunting and Management TX

"Thus, late fall up to early winter is very important for deer herd managers to impact and influence fawn production, so make sure the plant communities on your property is properly managed deer habitat. " Deer Hunting and Management TX

"Some people disagree with shooting antlerless deer; they reason that protecting them -- thus maintaining a maximum breeding base -- will assure large numbers of antlered bucks because terrific numbers of deer will be born each year and button bucks wouldn't be harvested. "PA. Game Commission

"Historically in all states, including West Virginia, hunting regulation have been restrictive during the period of deer restoration with mainly short buck-only season to protect does and encourage deer population growth. As deer becomes more abundant, more liberal hunting regulations including antlerless harvest are required to limit population growth." Fundamentals of Deer Management W. VA.

" Fawn crop is often density dependent. Generally, as doe numbers increase, fawn production per doe decreases. Fewer does can and often do raise more fawns to weaning age than more abundant does." QDM

Doesn't sound like reduction there does it? Continue...

"Deer managers agree that supplemental feeding, whether it be protein pellets, whole cotton seed, or some other type of high-protein food, really helps local deer populations." Deer Management TX

"Managing for proper nutrition in white-tailed deer is important for good body condition, good fawn production and recruitment, and maximum antler growth. Good nutrition can be accomplished by doing three things that involve proper habitat management, supplemental feeding, and the planting of food plots." Deer Managemetn TX

What is the definition of "recruit"?

1. to raise or strengthen (an army, navy, deer herd) by enlisting personnel (in this case, fawns)

3. to enlist (new members), as for a party or organization (or deer to kill for sports)

2. to increase or maintain by supplying anew; replenish (which of course is deer, preferably bucks)




more statements about "adding" deer.

P.129 "With supplemental feeding, it becomes very easy to maitain artificialy high deer densities and still obtain adequate results in terms of antler and body growth." Producing Quality Whitetails Revised Edition
Al Brothers and Murphy E. Ray, Jr. Edited by Charly McTee

" Thus, does are healthier, reproductive
success is higher and more does are able to carry two fawns. Ironically, this can result in a greater deer harvest each year." Quality Deer Management

"With high quality habitat and increased nutrition, the percentage of doe fawns that breed their first fall increases (sometimes up to 25 percent).. Also, a higher percentage of yearling does produce two fawns instead of one." Quality Deer Management


"Because fawns are born at approximately a 1:1 sex ratio, more bucks maybe born each year. Therefore, in some areas, you actually can increase the number of bucks born by shooting more does." Quality Deer Management

"Other habitat management practices that can improve the quantity and quality of forage available to deer (thus increasing carrying capacity)" Quality Deer Management

Create more land to plant food plots thus more deer you can hold on that area.

"We strive to maintain a deer herd that each year that can provide quality sport to more than a million hunters." PA Deer FAQ


"Let's assume that 75 percent of a whitetail's daily food consumption consists of prime agricultural crops, the other 25 percent of native browse. Such heavy utilization of food plots isn't theoretical; at North American Whitetail's Fort Perry Plantation in Georgia, agricultural crops make up 80 percent of the herd's annual diet. And under management, the deer density increased to more than five times that of natural carrying capacity - even as the health of the natural habitat steadily improved. Here's the key to why whitetails do so well when provided with the right food plots:" North American Whitetails

"If you're not providing the local herd with enough of the right groceries for maximum antler and body size, as well as high fawn survival, you're not enjoying the full benefits of sound management." North American Whitetails

"Varmints, specifically coyotes, are the biggest threats to fawn recruitment on most land throughout the United States. "Deer Management TX


(graphic came from TX Deer Management website)

It's bad enough hunting public wants to create land to kill but they want to "team up" with farmers and even land owners.


"Last year we planted a total of 6 food plots from soybean (biologic) to fall foliage. We also had a local farmer plant 26 acres of field corn and another 2 acres of sweet corn. Again we saw positive effects of what can happen when quality food plots are planted and knowing the PH and how much fertilizer to use." The New York Hunters.

"If you are fortunate enough to have permission to hunt on someone else's private property; ask permission to establish a whitetail deer food plot and tell the owner of that hunting land exactly what you want and plan to do. If the hunting land owner is a farmer, you may even get some help with the site preparation and use of equipment. "

Is this the reason why Dept Of Natural Resources (DNR) and hunters rejects deer birth control? And the reason why the most heavily hunted states always have too many deer thus high Deer Vehicle Accidents?

Deer will also seek refuge to other possibly non-hunting areas from gunshots and hunters terrorizing the forest meaning with hunting you will wonder why you see more deer in your area then you did before, that's because the deer are trying to find peace for themselves and their families from wildlife terrorists.

Now you know that the intention of the hunting organization is to produce deer to where there is enough to satisfy their sick bloodlust year after year and good blood money for the pro-kill government to create more killing fields as human also die from DVA's.

Let's not forget "Compensatory rebound effect" which most hunters know and obviously DNR knows and use it to their advantage.

"Culling"/hunting does not work. It is more than neutralized by a natural phenomenon called the "Compensatory Rebound Effect". When food become scarce, deer would naturally curtail their reproductive rate down to no fawn or single fawn. When food is plentiful, their reproductive rate would increase to twins and triplets. The ideal is a marginal "over-population" so that the reproductive rate is kept low and the population remains stable in the long term. If a significant portion of the population is culled to below carrying capacity, what is accomplished is the raising of the reproductive rate to the point when the next year WILL show a higher "overpopulation" (Which the hunting organization knows about and use that to their advantage)"

"Take a piece of land with a carry capacity of, say 8 does. If it contains 10 does, their total fawn crop would be around 3 fawns, totaling 13 deer at the end of the year. Whereas, if the 10 does were reduced to 5 by culling, the remaining 5 does would produce around 8 fawns in total, resulting again in 13 deer at the end of the year. This is called the Compensatory Rebound Effect (CRE). The hunters know this, but the public does not, thus allowing the hunters to have their self-perpetuating way." Anthony Marr

What is reproductive rebound?
"Reproductive rebound is a well documented population dynamic in deer and other mammals. Deer conceive multiple embryos but the number of fawns actually born is determined by a number of complex factors including nutrition and herd density. With competition for food reduced by a sudden drop in herd numbers, younger fawns will breed and females will give birth to twins and triplets instead of single fawns.
In its 1990 report, "An Assessment of Deer Hunting in New Jersey," New Jersey Fish and Game offered a detailed example of this process. Its report shows that even during hunting seasons in which killing female deer was the objective (antlerless seasons), the remaining females had increased birthrates that not only replaced the ones killed, but increased the overall size of the herd. " PZP FAQ's

"One reason the policies failed, Choisy and Rohani said, is that they didn’t take into account an ecological principle known as compensation. When a portion of the animal population is reduced, those that survive are left with more resources such as food and shelter. As a result of the newly plentiful resources, the death rate decreases and the birth rate increases, compensating – and sometimes overcompensating – for the loss. Hunting Can Increase The Severity Of Wildlife Disease Epidemics"

DNR knows about CRE and use it to their advantage for more fawn birth thus larger deer herd size and you can see their main interest in the buck fawns.

“By keeping the deer population below the carrying capacity of the available habitat, more forage (nutrition) is available per deer. Thus, does are healthier, reproductive success is higher and more does are able to carry two fawns. Ironically, this can result in a greater deer harvest each year. Depending on the relationship of the population and the carrying capacity, an „optimum sustained yield‟ can be achieved where a relatively high reproductive rate allows an abundant harvest each fall. With high-quality habitat and increased nutrition, the percentage of
doe fawns that breed their first fall increases (sometimes up to 25 percent). Also, a higher percentage of yearling does produce two fawns instead of one. Because fawns are born at approximately a 1:1 sex ratio, more bucks may be born each year. Therefore, in some areas, you actually can increase the number of bucks born by shooting more does.” “Quality Deer Management: Guidelines for Implementation,” 6. Agricultural Extension Service, The University of Tennessee. (last accessed November 2008)

"Some people disagree with shooting antlerless deer; they reasn that protecting them -- thus maintaining a maximum breeding base -- will assure large number of antlered bucks because terrific numbers of deer will be born each year and button bucks wouldn't be harvested. But bear in mind, a smaller herd in balance with its habitat can produce as many fawns as an oversized herd on poor range. Does have fewer young when habitat quality is lacking" PA Game Commission

Read more about Compensatory Rebound Effect here

Monday, August 10, 2009

W. Virginia counties where drivers are three times more likely to hit deer have hunting that is why!

"In West Virginia, deer collisions have been on the rise for the last two years. Erie notes that in 2007, claims increased 11 percent. Apparently, in Wirt, Pleasants, Calhoun and Pocahontas Counties, drivers are three times more likely to hit a deer than in other parts of West Virginia."

Insurance Company Issues Report on Deer-Vehicle Collisions in West Virginia

"Crashes with deer can occur any time across West Virginia, but appear to be more likely in October, November and December, in both the mating and hunting seasons, especially when the animals are being flushed out by hordes of hunters, Bailey said.
“And deer season is just around the corner,” she added.

W.Va. has highest deer-vehicle collision rate


Deer Vehicle Accidents has more then DOUBLED in state with most hunters! UPDATE

Monday, July 20, 2009

Hunters, rut season and deer vehicle accident - The reality

Hunters already know that the highest time for Deer Vehicle Accidents are in the fall (hunting season) so instead of accepting the fact their disgusting selves being in the woods killing deer is what causing the deer vehicle accidents they instead blame the rut season or the "dva's happen more at night" excuses. Here is the video to refute that argument and no doubt in my mind that over 90% of DVA's are a direct result of DNR manipulation of deer habitat to produce more deer and hunters in the forest.

Why are hunters supplement feeding deer?Watch the video

What is "Fawn Crops"?

It's easy to see how a bowshot (gun shot also) deer can cause deer to run to the road here

Deer Vehicle Accidents has more then DOUBLED in state with most hunters!
click here

Where did I get my information about creating large deer herd and big rack deer? here is one of the several sites I have found.

Hunters like to hunt deer when deer are most active and here is what I found.

"The second reason is that they didn't get to live 3 1/2 to 5 1/2 years by being completely stupid. These mature bucks have patterned hunters throughout their lives. They know that most hunters hunt from daylight to about 9:00AM, and in the afternoon from around 3:00PM to dark. " Hunting and shooting info

The earliest hours of the morning are among the highest for deer movement. It's best to get to your blind or your station before dawn. Set up when it's still dark and you won't disturb the deer as they wake up in the morning."

# Dusk is the best time for deer hunting. First of all, hunters at dusk will have the converse advantage that dawn hunters had, as deer return to their beds. However, dusk is also a time of other increased activity. In the warmth of early autumn, depending on the climate, the deer prefer coming out to feed at dusk rather than through the heat of the day. In late autumn, when most hunters hunt, deer are liable to be more active at dusk because of the rut. Bucks will be chasing does, and both will be less cautious than usual, and more likely to wind up in the wide open in good position for a shot. Get out to your position two hours before sunset and wait for the increased activity. "

The best time to hunt deer click here

What is the best time of day to deer hunt?

" Most hunters seem to prefer early and late. Deer are moving in the mornings back to their beds from feeding, and visa versa in the evening going to the fields to feed. "

"Best time to hunt deer is early morning and evening. Deer are mostly nocturnal animals; they prefer to feed at night. In the mornings, you will see them as they to into the woods to find a nice safe place to bed down for the day. In the evening, right before dusk, they start moving around, as they are hungry and want to go out again and feed."

Hunters like to say that hunting is not allowed at night which is when DVA's peaks during the fall season. The peak time according to Ontario Transportation is early morning (5am-7am) and after sunset (5pm-11pm) in NY D.E.C it says " with most of the collisions occurring between 6:30 and 7:30 AM and 4:30 and 6:30 PM" in another it says "Be especially alert driving between sundown and sunrise". Here is another ...* "Deer Vehicle Accidents are most likely to occur between 5 AM - 8 AM and 5 PM - 9 PM." And remember this... The report also confirms that most wild animal collisions occur during early morning (5am-7am) or after sunset (5pm-11pm).

**Deer hunting is permitted one half hour before sunrise and one half hour after sunset.

PS. Most importantly is that Hunting organization are deliberately creating this large deer herd and of course antlered deer for the purpose of recreational hunting. Here is another quote among many I have found that proves they are "producing" deer for sports hunting. From a website called North American Whitetails and title of their post is "Are your deer hungry" ?

"If you're not providing the local herd with enough of the right groceries for maximum antler and body size, as well as high fawn survival, you're not enjoying the full benefits of sound management."

"Let's assume that 75 percent of a whitetail's daily food consumption consists of prime agricultural crops, the other 25 percent of native browse. Such heavy utilization of food plots isn't theoretical; at North American Whitetail's Fort Perry Plantation in Georgia, agricultural crops make up 80 percent of the herd's annual diet.>>> And under management, the deer density increased to more than five times that of natural carrying capacity<<< - even as the health of the natural habitat steadily improved. In the West, whitetails in river-bottom habitat with irrigated alfalfa are almost fully dependent on that crop when it's available. >>>The same trend is true in the Midwest and Central Canada.)
Here's the key to why whitetails do so well when provided with the right food plots:<<<
Gee, and all this time we thought it was about "reduction" of deer population.


Another important note: Hunters are allowed to be in the forest tracking wounded deer after dark and tracking is most common in bowhunting but in shotgun hunting too. Here is a quote from tracking wounded deer site.
* "When trailing at night use a couple of the Chem Lights that you can get at WalMart for less than a buck. You don't use these as lights to see blood, but they are hung on limbs at the last blood found. That way nobody has to stand on the last blood and everyone can easily see where the last blood found is at"

"The worst thing you can do when tracking a deer at night is to head out immediately. Fear will increase adrenaline in the deer and cause it to run longer and faster, and your approaching footsteps will instill that fear. Wait 30-45 minutes before you attempt to find a gunshot or bow-shot deer, then begin your trek in the most logical direction. Just make sure you watch which way the deer ran as it flees the site."

Tips for Tracking Deer at Night


"Let the deer layup and die" will show you not only are recreational hunters cruel and heartless but how they will wait for the animals to die as to not spook him to run further from fear. Overall there are a lot of waiting and tracking to do especially from bowhunting although this pertains to shotgun too.

If hunters are so "concerned" about DVA's then why do the DNR and hunters rejects deer birth control ? Why do they continue to lie and deceive the public about IC? click here knowing full well that DVA's continues to be a problem even with hunting!

Sunday, June 21, 2009

State Wildlife Agencies encourage killing does to ensure fawn "recruits"

State "Deer Management" says fawn should be at least 2 months old so they can probably take care of themselves, how "caring"!!!! With hunters so preoccupied with producing fawns, it's not surprising why they continue to lie and deceive the public about deer birth control .


The reason why mass killing creates more deer is the ecological principal known as compensatory rebound . After Deer hunting season there is a drastic drop in deer population,thus more food will be available for does. Healthy does means birth to twins and sometime triplets. The fawns will become nothing more then "crops" to the hunters and will "recruit" the fawns to become object for hunters self gratification of killing. Hunting season is huge money for the DNR (not to benefit you the non-hunting public but the hunters themselves. State Wildlife Agencies (Fish and Wildlife etc.) spend billions of dollars to create more land to use as killing field and more deer herd preferably the large antlered buck.

Hunting organization and hunters continued to reject deer birth control and we can see why, here are some quotes about doe killing as part of "deer management".

"The number of new deer added to the pre-hunt population is a function of the number of fawns born and their survival until until the fall. The number of fawns born is primarily determined by the number of does, but the survival of fawns, however, is mostly dependent upon the physical condition of does, although predation is certainly a factor is some situations. A large number of does that are nutritionally stressed will not raise as many fawns to be added to the fall population as a lesser number of healthy does."

"Deer Hunting and Managing"

They spend so much time "studying" does reproductive so does can give more birth and the fawns become "recruit" to be an object for sports killers.



"Thus, late fall up to early winter is very important for deer herd managers to impact and influence fawn production, so make sure the plant communities on your property is properly managed deer habitat. "


The above article came from Texas hunting and deer "management" website. Here is one from PA DNR and "deer management"

"Some people disagree with shooting antlerless deer; they reason that protecting them -- thus maintaining a maximum breeding base -- will assure large numbers of antlered bucks because terrific numbers of deer will be born each year and button bucks wouldn't be harvested. But bear in mind, a smaller herd in balance with its habitat can produce as many fawns as an oversized herd on poor range. Does have fewer young when habitat quality is lacking."

Indiana does it too as well as other states such as NJ and West Virginia and its pretty much the same for all the state that use hunting as a method of "deer management" and to "reduce" deer population.

Mother doe and their young needs each other as you can see from this young fawn we name Sir Knocknee and mother that comes to our back yard. The young fawn about 3 weeks old last spring/summer.



Fawn and mommy at 3 months old


This is the young fawn a week ago still with mother and Sir is now cleaning mommy.


Sir knocknee is about a year and a month today still with mommy.


State Wildlife Agencies spends billions of dollars manipulating deer habitat to produce more deer even killing deer natural predator

("biggest threat to fawn 'RECRUITMENT' ")

which is nature's eco-balance. The fawn are "protected" so they will replace the 100,000 of deer (over 6 million across America) killed season after season. Imagine if we just had wildlife watching and stopped sports hunting, it would benefit not only the animals life but us for no animal would have to die , there be no need to replenish the slaughtered deer year after year from sports hunting and spend so much money and time creating "fawn crops" "recruiting" fawns , burning deer habitat, planting food plots, and for that extra boost hunters do whats called " supplement feeding" to create better antler growth and larger deer herd. The large deer herd is what is what causing Deer Vehicle Accidents which is also highest in the Fall hunting season plus we like to see the same deer alive when wildlife watching year after year after year.

Also a great article to read is ANATOMY OF A "DOE" HUNT: How Killing Female Deer at the Watchung Reservation Increased Birth Rates and Reproduction.

Its no wonder DVA'as are so high in the heavily hunted state because hunting is not about "reduction" its about production of deer.

Don't be fooled by the word "harvest" which hunting public love to use instead of the word kill or slaughters to white wash their killing for sports. They want the public to believe that killing a deer is like plucking a potato out of the ground and that the animals feel no pain or suffering. May I remind the wildlife killing public that Deer are not crops, vegetables, potatoes etc unless we can call hunting accident victims a "harvest".

Early doe hunt from another "deer management" website and look the heartlessness of the hunting public.

Saturday, June 20, 2009

Supplement Feeding can spread CWD yet hunters do it and supports it - WHY?

"Chronic wasting disease seems more likely to occur in areas where deer or elk are crowded or where they congregate at man-made Artificial feeding or baiting of deer and elk may compound the problem" (Williams / Young 1980)

There is no end to hunters lies and hypocrisy. Hunters tell non-hunters not to feed Deer because of risk of spreading wildlife disease especially Chronic Wasting Diseases yet they themselves feed them "deer supplements" just like you see in the photos and what are purpose of this "deer supplements"? To make the antlers grow, for deer herd size and more fawn birth.




Before we begin , what is Chronic Wasting Disease?

"Chronic Wasting Disease (CWD) is a transmissible neurological disease of of deer and elk that produces small lesions in brains of infected animals. "It is characterized by loss of body condition, behavioral abnormalities and death. CWD is classified as a transmissible spongiform encephalopathy (TSE), and is similar to mad cow disease in cattle"

What do many "deer manager" say about supplement feeding?

"Deer managers agree that supplemental feeding, whether it be protein pellets, whole cotton seed, or some other type of high-protein food, really helps local deer populations."

"Individual deer health is important for maintaining body mass, promoting maximum antler growth in bucks, and optimal milk production in does."

"Managing for proper nutrition in white-tailed deer is important for good body condition, good fawn production and recruitment, and maximum antler growth. Good nutrition can be accomplished by doing three things that involve proper habitat management, supplemental feeding, and the planting of food plots."

One website called "Buck management" Rationalize that its "ok" for them to supplement feed deer and risk CWD spread with this lame excuses.

"One thing to keep in mind: Deer are likely to concetrate somewhere - whether it be a water source, food source, bedding area, or travel corridor. Although providing supplemental food will concetrate deer, I suspect that if a disease or virus is present the pathogen will be passed on regardless of whether or not you provide supplemental feed."

P.129 "With supplemental feeding, it becomes very easy to maitain artificialy high deer densities and still obtain adequate results in terms of antler and body growth." Producing Quality Whitetails Revised Edition
Al Brothers and Murphy E. Ray, Jr.
Edited by Charly McTee

CWD was first spread by supplement feeding rendered animals for protein (antler and herd growth) . Comments about CWD from From Organic Consumer Association.

"As you can see by reading this article [below] in this afternoon's Capital Times of Madison, word is slowly leaking out about what has apparently been a massive decade-long feeding of "supplements" (including meat and bone meal as mineral and protein) to wild deer in the heart of the "kill zone," the area of the WI Chronic Wasting Disease outbreak.

Apparently no one in the CWD research community has ever investigated the possibility that CWD may be spreading via rendered feed (mineral, fat and protein supplements), as happened in Britain with mad cow disease. This needs to be investigated immediately as a possible third means of infection for CWD, along with suspected animal-to-animal transmission and environmental contamination.

As you can see from the excerpts of two books below on feeding wild deer, there has been a huge push over the past 10-15 years of supplemental feeding of both game farmed elk and deer and wild deer to grow bigger animals with huge-boned antlers.

Just about every hunting store sells deer feeders and supplement whether for baiting or for deer herd and antler growth just so little men (and women) can kill these beautiful animals for sports and trophy.



CWD is now in 14 states plus 2 Canadian Province
Colorado, Illinois, Kansas, Michigan, Minnesota, Montana, Nebraska, New Mexico, New York (only from CWD containment area), Oklahoma, South Dakota, Utah, West Virginia (only from Hampshire County), Wisconsin and Wyoming; as well as the Canadian provinces of Alberta and Saskatchewan.