Wednesday, September 29, 2010

In bowhunting, animals do not die in "less then 30 seconds"

The lie you will most likely hear from bowhunters.

"I've taken 50 plus deer with my bow, and I've never had one run more than 10 yards or live longer than 30 seconds. My 14-year-old son took one last weekend, and it was four seconds before it went down. It's very quick."

When they say "it went down" does not mean the animal is dead and in "tracking deer after shot" website you can clearly see that the animals suffer and die a horrible painful death especially in the hands of bowhunters. notice how uncaring and unmerciful these monsters are . Bowhunted animals do not die "quick" whether be Elks, Deer, Bear, Antelope etc. that is why you always hear bowhunter say "give it time" meaning time for the animals to die.

"After shooting the deer, stay in your stand and be quiet for the recommended time. A noise might push your deer away. He could be bedded down less than 100 yards away.

The deer could be "filling up" inside with blood, showing very little external bleeding. The hair from the lung area is coarse and brown with black tips. The deer will usually go down in less than 125 yards. Give the deer 30 minutes before tracking.

A heart-shot deer will sometimes jump wildly when hit. The blood trail may be sparse for the first 20 yards or so. A heart shot deer may track as much as a quarter of a mile, depending on what part of the heart is damaged. The usual is less than 125 yards. The hair from this shot will be long brown or grayish guard hairs. Again, a 30 minute wait is advised. But, if while trailing you find where he has bedded back off and wait an hour before taking up the trail again.

If the deer is dead in an hour, he will still be dead in 4 hours. Have patience, he will not go anywhere. Wait him out for at least 4 hours. Wait overnight if the deer isshot in the evening.

If a spine-shot deer hobbles off, wait a half-hour and track slowly and quietly. Look for the deer bedded down.

A liver-shot deer. The liver lies against the diaphragm in the approximate center of the deer. It is a definite killing shot. The blood trail will be decent to follow and the deer should bed down and die within 200 yards, if not pushed. A one-hour wait is best. The hair from the liver area is brownish gray and much shorter than the hair from the lung area. If you push the deer out of his bed, back off and wait another hour.

Animals, especially deer, do not start bleeding at the point of impact. The blood trail generally starts about 15 to 30 yards from where the point of impact is. I have seen deer that were "high" lung shot that never bled a drop outside the body! And a heavy blood trail takes a while due to the chest cavity having to fill up before the blood can exit the wound.

Once the paunch (stomach) is ruptured, semi digested food and stomach bacteria enter the body cavity. This makes the deer sick and it will eventually lay down where it will expire after a long time. Blood loss is minimal and slow and will almost always be internal. These reasons are why one should wait a minimum of 8 hours before attempting to track a gut shot deer. "

Here are more collections of quotes from hunters on "tracking wounded deer/game" that is put into a video.

"Ethical" Hunter says "let the deer lay up and die"

The "bowshot deer dies in 30 seconds" lie of heartless bowhunters.

Damning statement from bowhunters own disgusting mouth!

A person leaves a comment at a bowhunting forum and he write

"I was watching a hunting show last night and they shot a buck with a bow and it ran about 150 yds. I was actually thinking about it and am surprised that more people don't complain about it being cruel. You shoot them with a gun and 9 out of 10 they drop dead but 9 out of 10 times they run off and die later. don't bother me either way but i'm just saying that i'm surprised it hasn't come up more then it does. "

Then he gets banned ( I see it under his name)


Bowhunter 1989 Big Game Issue
An article entitled “A Call for Accuracy” by Dwight Schuh states: Our sport can’t stand
forever in the face of growing hatred. Archers must work to counteract that sentiment
and build bowhunting in a positive light. The first step should be obvious. Don’t brag
about hitting and losing animals. He goes on to say, There’s nothing honorable
about hitting and losing an animal; it just means you screwed up. Don’t brag about it.
Just shut up.

Comment under a bowhunters video

2 weeks ago

dang, atleast you've seen a buck, and got a shot off. 30 days-in here so far with nothin to show. lol, he'll probably go die on some anti hunter lady's yard!

2 weeks ago

@ChasingTailOutdoors - I gave em bout 2 hours to die, and looked 4 blood for an hour or so... But with the weather here being in the 70's, an over night recovery was'nt an option, so I had ta press the issue a bit...
MidWestOutdoorz 2 weeks ago

2 weeks ago

An hour isn't long enough for a gut shot deer, you should of left and came back in the morning. And tracked it. You don't have to have blood to track and most gut shot deer don't bleed out because the fat will clog the hole.

Comments posted on facebook in response to this blog

"Yes that is the best way to make them feel the pain and misery and we can feel good about it for the inhuman crimes they commit on and on..."

"Bottom line is that bow hunting is not a "sport", is a an archaic and sadistic practice that has no place in ANY wildlife management protocol.
If wildlife management principles were for the benefit of the "target" species; there in fact woul...d not be a "need" for a next season!
I challenge these so-called "sportsmen" to modify their egotistical trophy attitude to embrace philosophies that eventually realize a smaller and healthier population at the expense of eventually not having a "next season".
Oh, and also ban tree stands, baiting, bow hunting and mussel guns ....
State Fish and Game departments are pimps for the NRA!"David

"Everyone knows this animals do not merely drop. That's why in most of the videos they will wait a good hour before even trying to find the animal, as they want their trophy at the end of it. Real men don't hunt they are compassionate toward...s all living creatures. It's all about power for this sad individuals, they like to exercise their dominion over these poor defenceless creatures.
I have rescued deer before that were due to be shot, we used nets & herded them into them. Once caught we quickly covered their heads to calm them down. The noise they made I will never forget. How anyone could hurt these beautiful gentle creatures is just a mystery to me :(" Paul

" Bow hunting is as barbaric as lopping off rhino horns to let the animals bleed to death, as barbaric as poaching elephants for their tusks, canned hunting et al....leave the animals alone, they don't hunt us. What is with the human race!" Susan

"This is madness in its sickest form... They got no feelings or respect for any life form I am sure... They shouldn't just be bow hunted themselves, rather if I was there I would have stick up a Bow into their cruel inhuman a**es..." Bea

"Unbelievable!!! First reaction: gut....wanting to and feeling like throwing up from anger and sadness!! Second reaction: Anger continued....wanting to "bow hunt" a "bow hunter"!!!!!"Leslie

"Hunters are murderers and mutants! In my opinion they are not human, but a sub-human off shoot species from the human race. Of course, deer suffer and do not die immediately from bow hunting! I have found dead deer on my property that run for a mile from where they were assaulted. Even if they did die quickly, it is still murder. Hunters are still stealing the life of the deer they kill for sport! All of these dick-less wonders rationalize away their abberant, murderous behavior with, "they die quickly, it's a sport, someone has to kill them to avoid the 'overcrowding' of the environment, hunting is a natural part of the 'system', I love the outrdoors, I hunt to feed my family" , etc., etc, ad nauseum! Hunters are souls-less monsters who enjoy killing! That is why they hunt! They like to kill living beings! Human could not do this!
Thanks, for the info on this atrocity" Jerry

"crying again, f**ng pieces of s**t for brains morons, these are the demons we have to fight, so sad, they have to kill to feel like a man...oh god i hate these a--holes! pack them up and send them to an island to shoot at each other for gods sake.."

"What could be more fun than stalking beautiful, defenseless, and precious creatures then murdering them. What a wonderful accomplishment to be proud of. Ghandi said you can measure the moral progress of a country by the way the animals are treated. Using this measuring stick woud mean the United States sucks and the moral progress is in the toilet." Arthur Poletti

-"I won't watch that video, it would make me too angry and sad. But I will say that most hunters look the same...gormless, dull, unintelligent, and they're often overweight and flaccid. I should feel sorry for them I suppose, but I despise them...and I've never seen a photo of a hunter that hasn't made me want to smack the idiotic grin off their face with a shovel!"

" Bedded down? That's what this cretin called where a deer falls to die, as if it were just drifting off for a long winter's nap. Sweet dreams.

I lived by a stream for years where dear came to drink. I think they knew they were safe in "m...y yard." Even when they ate my flowers. Some were so tame. One had passed me, I whistled, and the little doe came back up the hill and stood there for a good ten minutes while I talked to her.

Yeah, crazy lady talks to deer. I told her how beautiful she was, then warned her to watch out for other humans, because some would hunt her. I hope she understood.

She just stood there, intent on what I was saying, as if she did. I will never forget her big, dark eyes. I hope she is OK. How could anyone harm such a creature.

How could anyone talk about what how many hours to wait before they begin to look for the wounded, ( died almost instantly) animal, depending on which organ was hit?

Or advice the "mighty hunters" of these gentle animals to allow the deer to die a slow, painful death overnight, if gut shot, rather than to bother oneself to go put the poor thing out of it's misery.

Should I follow their advice if someone shoots them in the gut?" Donna

Tuesday, September 28, 2010

What the government isn't telling you about mad deer disease.



"My son and I went bull hunting this weekend," boasted Tom Hauge,
director of the Wisconsin DNR program on chronic wasting disease. "We
had a perfectly grand time. We have always butchered our deer ourselves.
I may very well be having venison for supper."

What the government isn't telling you about mad deer disease.



"There is no need for people to be worried and I can say perfectly honesty I shall go on eating beef as my children shall go on eating beef because there is no need to be worried"click here for the video
17 year later John Gummer watches his friends daughter die from Mad Cow Disease and Prions are the same agent in Mad Deer Disease aka CWD which the hunters are "giving" to the pantries and the Dept of Natural Resource knows damn well about. It can take anywhere from 10-40 years to incubate but once it starts attacking its a quick and painful death. People from UK are still dying to this day from Mad Cow related diseases.

"This is the worst thing I have ever seen," says Tracie McEwen. "I wouldn't wish it on my worst enemy."

Prion diseases are so awful and the proteins so unpredictable that scientists take extraordinary precautions against infection when studying them in the lab. Patrick Bosque, a neurologist at the University of Colorado in Denver, studied prions in hamsters and mice, which do not appear to be transmissible to people. Yet he routinely wore disposable gloves, shoe covers and a gown, and avoided carrying his lab notebook or other potentially contaminated material out of the lab. Whenever he conducted a procedure that might spray or splash prions, he worked in a special hood to shield his face and upper arms. "Then you're going to tell me I'm going to eat deer?" Bosque asked. "I definitely would not eat deer I thought had been infected."

Is Beef at Risk of Mad Cow Disease Again?

Infected buck found 40 miles from Michigan's U.P.

Deer Disease and CJD in Humans 1/18/99
Headline: Brain disease a slow goodbye
Mad Deer Disease Hits Wisconsin - Hunters Warned
Health Officials Studying Links
Between Disease And People

If Mad Cow Jumps To Humans
Why Not Mad Deer CWD Disease?
By Lou Kilzer
Scripps Howard News Service

Mad Deer Disease: No Joke for Meat-eaters

Prions in CWD is the same agent that causes Creutzfeldt-Jakob is a rare, fatal illness often described as "fast Alzheimer's"  

At least seven people age 66 or younger -- all hunters or venison eaters -- are known to have died of Creutzfeldt-Jakob in the U.S. in the last nine years. The total number will never be known because there's no federal requirement that all cases be reported. Preliminary studies suggest, and some neurologists suspect, that CJD is more common than generally believed -- it's simply misdiagnosed as Alzheimer's. That raises the obvious question: How many people would die of chronic wasting disease before a doctor called it?
In a highly publicized case, three Wisconsin hunters who attended wild-game feasts died of neurological diseases. Two had Creutzfeldt-Jakob, one turned out to have another rare neurological ailment, Pick's disease. Tests are ongoing.
Another victim from Oklahoma died with a freezer full of venison. A 50-year-old Montana elk hunter died last summer; his brain tissue is now being analyzed at one of the world's foremost prion labs, at the University of California in San Francisco. Test results are pending.


Can humans catch 'Mad Deer Disease'?
Wednesday, May 21, 2003
By Michael Woods, Post-Gazette National Bureau

"Our own nightmare here in the United States is chronic wasting disease of deer," Dr. Corrie Brown said yesterday at the 103rd national meeting of the American Society for Microbiology. Brown, of the University of Georgia in Athens, is an expert on infectious diseases in animals which are used as food.
Chronic wasting disease, also termed "Mad Deer Disease," is caused by a strange infectious protein -- termed a prion (pree-on). CWD also occurs in elk.
It's a cousin of the prions responsible for fatal brain diseases in other animals and humans. Among them are Mad Cow Disease, or bovine spongiform encephalitis, which decimated cattle herds in the United Kingdom and Europe in the 1990s and spread to people who ate infected beef.
About 130 people in Britain have developed the human version of Mad Cow Disease, which is known as variant Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease. The infection is fatal, usually within 2 years after symptoms appear. Estimates of the human toll during the next 80 years range from 540 to 50,000.


Human incubation is 20 to 40 years, but no one survives more than two years after Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease (CJD) goes active. Unlike AIDS, CJD can kill almost all known species of vertebrates. Unlike bacteria or virus, Prions are not killed by several minutes of boiling, baking, chlorine, alcohol or by any known antibiotic or antiviral agent.

What Soffe and other morticians also worry about are the cases of undiagnosed CJD. The disease is difficult to diagnose without a brain biopsy or autopsy -- and CJD has symptoms nearly identical to Alzheimer's. There is evidence that some cases of Alzheimer's have been misdiagnosed CJD cases. Often cited is a Yale study that found that six of 46 people who reportedly died from Alzheimer's actually had CJD.

More Serious than AIDS: Creutzfeldt-Jakob

Sterilization does not kill prions. They can take extreamly high temperatures even surviving cremation and become released into the air after such burning. Prions are virtually indestructible. Hundreds of scientific reports describe how prions cannot be frozen to death, do not respond to any antibiotics or chemical treatments and withstand temperatures of approximately 1000 degrees F. However, only one study ever done (or released to the public...) on invasive, reusable medical (tonsillectomy) instruments in the UK, over 50% of the instruments were found to be contaminated with deadly prions AFTER REPEATED STERILIZATIONS.

Mad cow disease, chronic wasting disease and similar ailments are all thought to be caused by misshapen forms of special proteins known as prions. In the case of chronic wasting, research shows infection can occur even by proximity to sick deer.

In areas infected with CWD, up to 10 percent or more of deer are found to carry the disease.
Both are transmissible spongiform encephalopathies, or TSEs. They can both be passed from animal to animal, though by different means, and are thought to be caused by misshapen forms of proteins known as prions. These deformed prions eat holes in a creature's brain, inevitably leading todeath.

At the same time, the CDC acknowledged several puzzling cases of patients who died of neurological diseases after eating wild game. In 2003, doctors at the VA Hospital in Seattle reported Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease in three hunters; the CDC would not investigate, saying there was no evidence the men ate tainted meat. A 2002 study documented three Wisconsin men who regularly ate venison and took part in large "game feasts"; two were diagnosed with CJD and one was diagnosed with Pick's disease, a form of dementia.

CWD is spreading

The disease was long thought to be limited in the wild to a relatively small endemic area in northeastern Colorado, southeastern Wyoming and southwestern Nebraska, but it has recently been found in new areas of these states, as well as in wild deer and elk in western South Dakota, and wild deer in northern Illinois, south-central New Mexico, northeastern and central Utah, south-central and south-eastern Wisconsin, central New York, north-east West Virginia, Kansas and west and south-central Saskatchewan. Also, CWD positive moose has recently been discovered in the endemic area of Colorado

They (prions) are also impervious to radiation.”
We're dealing with something that science at the moment simply doesn't fully understand. Total honesty with the public is the only responsible way to proceed."
There is an illness in the wild, leaving a trail of questions as it spreads from state to state.
Are these animals healthy, or stricken with a deadly illness known as chronic wasting disease?


Hunters turn up CWD in W.Va. deer herd

CHARLESTON, W.Va. — Preliminary test results indicate the chronic wasting disease (CWD) agent was present in five hunter-harvested deer collected in Hampshire County, W.Va., during the 2008 deer firearms hunting season.

“As part of our agency’s ongoing and intensive CWD monitoring effort, samples were collected from 1,355 hunter-harvested deer brought to game checking stations in Hampshire County and one station near the southern Hampshire County line in Hardy County,” noted Frank Jezioro, director for the West Virginia Division of Natural Resources.

The five CWD positive deer included one 4.5 year-old doe, two 2.5 year-old bucks, one 4.5 year-old buck and one 1.5 year-old buck.

Harvest area

All five of the latest positive deer were harvested within the Hampshire County CWD Containment Area, that portion of Hampshire County located north of U.S. Route 50.

However, the CWD agent previously has been detected outside the containment area but still within Hampshire County.

The area in Hampshire County appears to continue to expand as one of the most recent infected deer was approximately 5 miles northeast of any previous known infected deer location.

The disease has now been detected in a total of 37 deer in Hampshire County — two road-killed deer, one in 2005 and one in 2008; four deer collected by the DNR in 2005; five deer collected by the DNR in 2006; one hunter-harvest deer taken during the 2006 deer season; three deer collected by the DNR in 2007; six hunter-harvested deer taken during the 2007 deer season; 11 deer collected by the DNR in 2008; and five hunter-harvested deer taken during the 2008 deer season.

So how do you safely dispose of stricken animals?

It isn't as simple as burying their carcasses, or even incinerating them.

Prions are simply proteins, not living organisms, and they can survive almost anything, even hundreds of degrees of heat. Placing infected tissue in a landfill simply removes it, but scientists worry that the prions can leach through soil and groundwater, and spread.

Incineration is possible, but it isn't as easy as burning the carcass in a fire. Temperatures of more than 1,100 degrees Fahrenheit — sometimes up to 1,800 degrees — are required to effectively neutralize prions. Unlike most bacteria, regular cooking won't help at all.

Even many of sterilization techniques used in hospitals, such as autoclaving, are not necessarily effective — though some may be when infected material is dipped in sodium hydroxide, or lye and heated well above the boiling point of water.

A combination of heat — about 275 degrees Fahrenheit — and bursts of unimaginably high pressure — over 100,000 psi — showed promise in reducing prion infectivity, at least in processed meats like hot dogs, in research published last year.

And a similar method has become the default process for getting rid of infected animals. Large vat-like machines known as alkaline hydrolysis tissue digesters, one of which Powers' lab operates, can essentially dissolve entire carcasses.


Infected material is placed in a solution of potassium hydroxide — also known as caustic potash — for at least six hours, at 300 degrees Fahrenheit and 60 psi, about four times ambient air pressure.

All remains at the end is a sterile brown, syrupy liquid that can be hauled away to compost.
"It's like a big steam cooker," Powers says. "That'll take care of the prions."

"Disposal issues are tough," says Barbara Powers, director of Colorado State University's Veterinary Diagnostic Laboratory.

Venison sausage and mad deer disease /CWD - What going to happen to the people at the pantries?

CWD is now in 14 states plus 2 Canadian Province
Colorado, Illinois, Kansas, Michigan, Minnesota, Montana, Nebraska, New Mexico, New York (only from CWD containment area), Oklahoma, South Dakota, Utah, West Virginia (only from Hampshire County), Wisconsin and Wyoming; as well as the Canadian provinces of Alberta and Saskatchewan. 

Posted: May 23, 2011